Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My HSCT Treatment is done and everything went perfect!

I'm done with HSCT. Done my transfusions of Rituxmab and got the all clear from the doctors. Everything went perfect. Praise GOD and thank all of you. Prayers does work and I feel really loved and supported. Which help a lot with all of this. I'm coming home on Saturday. This all is a miracle. I should never get any worse and may regain some of the things I lost as a bonus. I will have to avoid crowds for at least 3 months. If your sick, stay away from my family and me Last August I wanted to die and my progression was quickly taking away what Little things I had left. GOD put the right people in my life. I shared my plan with everyone and Praise GOD, a couple of thousand people help me. With prayers, money and just being there for me. I feel so alive now. Thank you for loving me. These pictures are from today. I'm coming home!
Mark Rosenthal

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